MT's experiments

To be (continuously) improved...
A* pathfinder demo 24.04.2013
Demo experiment for A* pathfinding algorithm. Finds the shortest path between two points.
Bingo generator 22.04.2013
A bingo table generator written using PHP
Canvas drawings 15.04.2013
A drawing test using Javascript & HTML5 canvas.
Digits test 05.05.2013
Something simpler for a change. Uses CSS sprite and CSS3 transition.
mkprob 15.04.2013
Utility script (written in bash, for *nix users) for creating USACO TRAINING program problem files.
Pairs 07.05.2013
Simple yet appealing implementation of this memory-training game.
Ping pong 28.04.2013
A simple implementation of the famous Ping pong game.
Pushkin 07.11.2018
A remake of the classic MS-DOS pusher game with Vue.js.
Regex trainer 23.04.2013
Utility for testing out regex patterns.
Snake 3D 04.02.2019
A basic 3D snake game written using three.js.
Timer 22.04.2013
HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript = intuitive timer
Copyright ©2013 by Magnus Teekivi Unmute